
Showing posts from June, 2019

Communicative Competence

This paper is an attempt to explore the term communicative competence in a foreign language. It goes through the various definitions and some models of the communicative competence especially those most common models of Hymes 1972 and Canale and Swain 1980 and Alcon 2000. It shows how the term 'communicative competence' has come into existence during the 1970s and how it has become a major aim for teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language in many countries. The study recommends some activities, based on researcher's personal experience in the field of teaching English as a foreign language and his reading of some previous studies in this field, which may help in developing the communicative competence of English as foreign language learners in Yemen particularly and the whole world generally. These suggested activities are usually communication-based activities that help in making classroom situation more interactive and provide as much opportunitie...

Communication Strategies Used by Yemeni EFL Students

The focus of this study is to examine the communication strategies employed by Radfan College EFL students in their classroom interactions. In its theoretical part, the study shows the significance of CSs as a component of EFL learner’s communicative competence and its significance in foreign language learning and communication. The data of this study were collected through classroom observations. Results revealed that though Radfan College EFL students’ oral English proficiency is pretty low, most students tend to stop communication or switch into their mother tongue rather than utilizing effective CSs that may help them in communicating and developing their communication proficiency. The study showed that only a few students (high linguistic ability students) use some effective strategies; such as, paraphrasing of meaning, asking interlocutor’s for help, time fillers and nonverbal signals while the majority (low linguistic ability students) prefer to keep silent and whenever they p...

English Language Teaching in Yemen

In recent decades, English has become an indispensable part of the Yemeni primary and secondary school curriculum. It is not only a matter of being a compulsory subject within the school curriculum but it is also an area of study that many students/ pupils want to develop. Many Yemeni parents have recently recognized the importance of English as a key to science, technology and business in our modern world and want their children to get mastery over English. Unfortunately, though its recognized importance by teachers, schoolmasters, students and parents, the outcomes, especially within the rural Yemeni context, are still low and most students can’t cultivate a good level of English during their pre-tertiary education due to many challenges that obstruct English language teaching in the Yemeni schools. This study was an attempt to survey challenges of English language teaching in AL-Dhalea primary and secondary schools from the viewpoints of 20 EFL senior teachers and supervisors for t...


Southern issue refers to southern people’s political and economic suffering under the Northern regime. It began after taking over the South in 1994, deploying Northern military forces in its cities and mountains, excluding southern diplomats and army generals and soldiers from their works, distributing Southern land and wealth among northern leaders…etc. Such a situation created a kind of unfairness against the Southern people and made them feeling that they were citizens of a second degree. Most of the Southerner could not express the discontent of the situation for some time due to the huge Yemeni military forces surrounding them but such a suffering was getting worse more and more and Southerners began their peaceful revolution by forming ‘Military Pensioners’ Association’ and then ‘Southern movement’ in 2007 through which they demanded for equality with the northerner and returning to their work. This movement began as demanding for equality, financial rights, justice in distr...

Teaching Culture in EFL Classroom

Teaching a foreign language does not merely involve teaching its linguistic system but also its cultural system. A native speaker of English may tolerate EFL speaker’s grammatical or phonological errors in communication but cultural errors may not be tolerated and may create serious problems which lead to communication failure. Therefore, English culture should be given an adequate place in EFL teaching and syllabi if we want to produce competent users of English who can use it effectively and appropriately for communication with English people. For this reason, this paper aimed at raising Yemeni EFL teachers’ awareness towards integrating English culture into their EFL classes. It explored Aden University EFL teachers’ perceptions of the importance of integrating English culture into their EFL teaching and the actual practices they utilize for integrating English culture into their teaching. Data were primarily collected through a questionnaire webbed to 56 teachers (n=56) and...

Use of WhatsApp to Enhance Reading and Writing Skills

This study has examined the pedagogical role of WhatsApp, as one of mobile-assisted language learning applications, in developing motivational levels of Yemeni EFL learners to develop reading and writing skills. Twenty EFL undergraduate students of Aden University joined a WhatsApp English-medium chat group where they chatted, shared and commented on news articles in English for two months. Participants also took a pre-test and a post-test and responded to a questionnaire at the end of the study. Findings revealed that WhatsApp was a very effective application in developing students’ motivation to improve their reading and writing skills. It helped them develop vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing. The study also revealed that WhatsApp was positively perceived by students as a pedagogical tool for their learning of English. The study concluded that WhatsApp English-medium groups provide students with opportunities for practising a natural language, especially in writ...